
Site management personnel can respond with quick judgement.

Delegation of approval rights to site management personnel ensures efficient response and problem solving.

If a problem occurs on the job site, waiting for solution from headquarters will certainly delay the construction plans because of the cumbersome nature of communication chain. Kaiser entrusts approval rights to local managers to expedite decision making and problem solving, which ensures that projects run smoothly and within schedules.

Contract contents can be adjusted after employer presents additional requirements.

In case of construction problems and design variations, contract contents may need to be adjusted. When contracts are redrawn, the entire construction process becomes delayed. In Kaiser's protocol, however, meeting the client's needs is the highest top priority. Kaiser can reach an agreement about changes and implement them before going through contract negotiation to avoid significant delays.

Kaiser emphasizes first and foremost customer satisfaction and prompt problem solving.

If there are on-site adjustments to construction drawings, these modifications must be submitted immediately.

Each of site management personnel has the capability to use Auto-CAD software, which allows him to promptly modify plans on-site.

All Kaiser's site management personnel have mastered Auto-CAD. During construction, any on-site management personnel can make adjustments to construction drawings when necessary. Thus, quick responses can be achieved, and drawings can be immediately modified without excessive communication back to headquarters.
In this way, the employer can check the modified program and provided revisions on design changes.

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